
Decorative details on doors

Decorative details on doors can add a unique touch to any home or building. These details can include carvings, moldings and trims that are applied to the door itself or the surrounding frame.

Some decorative details include the following:

  • Raised panels, add depth and texture to the door. This can be achieved through the use of various joinery techniques, such as milling or molding the wood.
  • Glass inserts. These can be frosted, beveled, or stained glass, adding elegance and light to the door.
  • Hardware, such as door knockers, handles, and hinges. They can be made of different materials, such as brass, bronze, or iron, and their design can be ornate or simple.
  • Decorative details can also be added to the door frame, such as crown moldings or pilasters.

The design of the door you choose says a lot about your style and your home life. Entry doors are a phenomenal way to show off your creative and fun side without having to undergo an extreme remodeling project.

Neoclassical door

Neoclassical doors are generally simple and have less decoration. The main geometries are arched and square doors.

Classical style door

In a classical style door, they are usually topped by triangular or segmental pediments.

Victorian door

Victorian doors are a type of style related to wood and glass. The design is especially decorative or privacy glass.

Colonial door

A characteristic of colonial doors is that they have panels along the door, it is the most common pattern to distinguish a colonial door from the rest.

The Gothic-style door

The Gothic-style door is very easy to identify because of the pointed arch. These doors are made with iron details.

Decorative details with iron

Iron can be used for door hardware such as door knockers, handles, and hinges. These can add strength and durability to the door, as well as a touch of elegance with the right design. Iron can also be used for decorative elements such as scroll work or forged details.

Iron can be designed to match other elements of your home and you will have many customization options. They are functional, but also have the potential to be incredibly beautiful and offer an instant enhancement to any room.

Decorative details with wood

Wood is a more traditional material and can be used in a variety of ways for decorative door details. Raised panels, as mentioned above, are a popular way to use wood to add depth and texture to the door. Wood can also be used for carvings and trim, such as ornate moldings or decorative moldings.

Iron and wood can also be combined for a unique look. For example, a wood door with wrought iron handles or a wood door with an iron-barred window. Both materials are strong, durable, and weather resistant. They are also durable and can be restored if necessary. It is important to note that the type of wood and iron used will vary depending on the climate and environment and should be chosen accordingly to ensure longevity.

Overall, decorative details on doors can be an excellent way to add character and personality to any home or building and can be used to complement the overall architectural style or personal taste of the homeowner.